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- roster
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- sandrafunk
- September Issue
- series
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- shopify pluggin
- shopping
- signage
- ski-lodge
- Smith Firestone
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- sold out
- solo exhibition
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- Sophisticated Living Magazine
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- splash
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- summer
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- tastemaker
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- Text
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- The Beatles
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- the colors of summer
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- top 10
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- Trends
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- tryptic
- turquoise
- Twelve Home
- TwelveHome
- uniform
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- Vague
- VAGUE series
- vagues
- Vanity Fair
- Vincent Van Gogh
- viyet
- Vogue
- Vogue Magazine
- vogues
- W Hollywood
- W Magazine
- wardrobe
- Warhol
- Washington DC
- water
- watercolor
- Watercolor Collection
- waves
- white
- William Wegman
- Willis Report
- Winston Wachter Fine Art
- winter
- workplace
- Yayoi Kusama
- Yee Wong
- yellow
- Yellow Slide
- You Are Here
- youthful
- Zaria Forman
Zaria Forman Releases a New Print and Solo Exhibition
By Michelle Kappeler
"The towering ice radiated a sapphire blue that took my breath away, and inspired a whole series of drawings that I've been working on ever since, including Errera Channel No. 1. "
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By Chrissy Crawford
By KIM COOK Not long ago, the only homes in which you'd see big, bold art hanging on the walls tended to be those of serious collectors. For everyone else, filling...
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Viyet's Female Founder's Series Spotlights Chrissy Crawford
By Annie Guill
Introducing our Female Founders Series
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Entrepreneur Magazine Interviews ArtStar Founder Chrissy Crawford
By Annie Guill
How Chrissy Crawford Corredor built a thriving art business based on her customer's habits and needs.
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REFINERY 29 Features Kate Schelter’s 'Stan Smith' as Must-Have
By Annie Guill
These 10 pieces are our 2017 #ApartmentGoals.
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Interior Design Firm, House of Funk, features ArtStar
By Annie Guill
Electric Art You Need in your Home.
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Citiphile Praises ArtStar for Art Source
By Chrissy Crawford
"Meet your new Decor best friend--Trust us, your walls will thank you."
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Million Dollar Decorating Podcast Interviews Chrissy Crawford
By Annie Guill
Want to learn more about the history and future of ArtStar? Listen Here.
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Andrea Mary Marshall Vague Series Featured on Artnet
By Chrissy Crawford
Fine art prints are available now.
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ArtStar Works Featured in Harper's Bazaar
By Chrissy Crawford
#TheList: 10 Ways to Fight the Winter Interior Blues Interior Design by Bennett Leifer
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Dwell Magazine Names ArtStar Booth Best In Show
By Annie Guill
Check out our tips for getting the best deal on a budget.
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Laurel & Wolf selects ArtStar as one of the best online sources for art!
By Annie Guill
"Thanks to curated, online galleries and e-commerce collabs, you can now start your very own art collection, without even leaving your apartment."
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